The MARIE SIXTINE apartment
I. L’appartement
MARIE SIXTINE thinks big! At MARIE SIXTINE, we came up with the idea of creating a real customized living place: “Chez MARIE SIXTINE”.
Thanks to many talented artists, this dream was made possible.
Sous la direction artistique de Sandrine Place et de notre architecte d’intérieur Baptiste Legué, notre projet s’est développé sous nos yeux émerveillés dans un équilibre parfait.
A “cabane” romantic bed, a dreamy bathroom, an original and unique kitchen table, the use of noble materials, pieces of furniture chosen admirably, an exceptional decoration, and unrivaled lightning make it a symbolic place in Paris.
The most stylish celebrities from all around the world spend time there.
Alexandre Poulaillon a réalisé une fresque murale, dans la chambre à coucher, de trois mètres sur cinq, en un peu plus d’un mois.
Countless flowers hang over this majestical piece of work. Through diverse methods, Alexandre created a patina effect. A dream delicately laid on the wall to invite you to abandon yourself.
« L’atelier Whole » a composé pour nous, un tableau de Pompons qui trône sur le mur principal de notre salon. Spécialiste des teintures végétales, dans une démarche engagée, c’est l’art contemporain qu’elles préfèrent. Une originalité de plus.
A unique experience of a lifetime that will not let you be indifferent.
II. Nos events
The MARIE SIXTINE apartment has been designed to organize diverse kinds of events. Press appointments, interviews, client meetings, partners, influencers, etc. All have walked through the door of our apartment in those last years.
Whether you are a client, an influencer, an editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, or a big MARIE SIXTINE fan, our doors are open for any special occasion.
Avons-nous suscité votre intérêt ?
Hâte de vous rencontrer !

Do you know the street of Charonne? Only a few minutes by foot from the Place de la Bastille, in the 11th district of Paris, hiding in the back of a pretty and sunny courtyard, the birthplace of our collections.
Let us unveil all the secrets and mysteries of this welcoming, calm, and discrete address that favors creation.
Notre architecte Baptiste Legué nous a permis de concrétiser notre projet. Cet artiste s’est pris à rêver avec nous d’un lieu de vie à la fois fonctionnel et poétique.
The wood, mirror trade, linen curtains, and wood parquets associated with concrete flooring make it a creative jewel. Many vintage touches are also visible in the space.

I. Our creative universes
Several years ago, MARIE SIXTINE established itself in one of the most commercial and animated streets of the 11eme districts: Charonne. Only two feet apart from Place de la Bastille. You could imagine a place like the “tumult” of a city center, but you would be wrong. This charming courtyard protects us from all the noises around.
It is a true haven of peace.
On the first floor, two universes.
One is purely operational, and the other is a footbridge with large patio doors where the creative team sorely tests its imagination and reverie.
A very luminous and calm place where laughs, hard work, deep conversation, meetings, and birdsongs combine.
You may have dreamt of it once. And now you can visit this little bohemian bubble of poetry and dreams.
The wait is over. Our daydream is open to you.
II. Our doors are open
Are you passionate about fashion? Learn more about how MARIE SIXTINE pieces are created.
Our creative team opens its doors to the public and accompanies you for an immersive and unforgettable visit to lift the veil on our workshop. Fittings, patterns, mood boards, tissues, and fabrics; the whole set in a musical sphere. This creative and rewarding adventure is waiting for you.
Maybe you will be the one giving us advice?
Finally, enter our showroom where commercial meetings, shootings, defiles, and time-sharing happen.
We welcome professional and private individuals from all over the world for a coffee break, a product selection, or a discussion about future projects.

Vous êtes costumière pour un film, une série ou une émission … et souhaitez habiller vos actrices ? Venez à notre rencontre, nous en avons l’expérience.
Vous êtes le ou la gérant(e) d’une boutique multimarque, avez craqué sur nos pièces et souhaitez voir nos créations ? Prenez rendez-vous et entrez !
Vous êtes influenceuse et souhaitez collaborer avec MARIE SIXTINE ? Notre dressing mêlant notes de couleurs et bal d’imprimés est à votre disposition.
At MARIE SIXTINE, we open our doors around a cup of tea, a coffee, or a soda to meet you in the hope of constructive interaction.